About The Hermitage

The Hermitage is an international, non-denominational, inter-faith center dedicated to the spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual and professional growth and formation of persons of all persuasions and circumstances. We offer a variety of workshops, lectures, classes and support groups – each designed to empower individuals on their journeys of health and wholeness.

Persons involved with The Hermitage are encouraged toward personal growth and development, so that by word and example, they might encourage others on their own journeys of personal growth and development.


Justin Belitz was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1954 and was ordained a priest in 1961. He holds the following degrees:

  • BA (Philosophy) – Quincy College, Quincy, IL
  • STB (Theology) – Antonianum, Rome, Italy
  • MA (Music Education) – Case-Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
  • Certification in Secondary Administration – Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
  • Doctoral Certificate (Psychorientology) – SMCI, Laredo, TX
  • Honorary Doctorate – American Institute of Psychical Research, Thousand Oaks, CA

Justin taught in Cleveland, OH at Padua High School for 13 years and was on the Administrative Team at Trinity High School for 2 years. During a year of sabbatical (1978-79), he studied Psychic and Mystical Phenomenon at St Bonaventure University in Olean, N.Y. and Scripture at Terra Santa Seminary in Jerusalem. During that year also, he spend 4 months at the Friary of San Damiano in Assisi, Italy where he completed a manuscript of meditative reflections.

Justin completed another year of sabbatical 2000-2001 at the Antonianum in Rome, Italy to update his knowledge of spirituality and meditation. He has lectured extensively throughout the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Australia.

Justin is Founding Director of The Franciscan Hermitage, Inc., a spiritual center dedicated to personal growth and development. He is attached to Sacred Heart Friary in Indianapolis, IN.

Board of Directors

Dan AshcraftPresident
VacantVice President
LuLu KinnettFinancial Officer Member at Large
Samuel RobinsonMember at Large
Luz Silva-RuedaMember-at-large
Jay BlackMember-at-large/ Social Media
Deb HobbsMember at Large
Christopher FerruzzaMember at large
Triesa HodgsonMember at large


Alison Kirkwood – Perth, Australia
Sheelagh Dixon – Australia Hermitage Associates
Alfred Eaker – Social Media
Pat Flodman – Lincoln, NE
Karen Marx – Omaha, NE Hermitage Associate
LuLu Fedorus – Omaha, NE
Pat Kerlin – Katy, TX –  SFL Lecturer
Jennifer Gal – French Consultant
Marietta Kovacs – Geneva, Switzerland – SFL Lecturer Hermitage Associate
Cathy Slaughter – Perth, Australia
Deb Bowyer – Hermitage Office
Triesa Hodgson – Hermitage Office
Pat KerlinSFL Lecturer – Katy, TX
LuLu Kinnett – Asst. Director
Marietta Kovacs SFL Lecturer – Switzerland La Reunion, and Maritius

I learned how important right attitudes are. The course made me want to change, and it gave me the tools to structure new goals for myself.

Anonymous graduate

“Success: Full Living offers us a roadmap to inner peace and to a balance of inner and outer success.”

Gerald Jampolsky,M.D

“In Success: Full Relating, Justin Belitz, OFM, offers seven principles he has learned and lived— often through great struggle—about making relationships richer and more fulfilling.”

Barbara Stahura, Author and Certified Instructor, Journal to the Self®

“Jose Silva, the founder of the Silva Method, is a man I have admired for a long time. I have used the Silva Method of visualization for many years. It has helped me overcome illnesses, accidents and avoid surgery. I urge you to attend Silva’s training sessions.”

Wayne Dyer, Ph.D, Author and Certified Instructor, Journal to the Self®

“The field of personal improvement and inspirational writing is riddled with pseudo-technological claptrap very similar to the field of psychiatry. Fr. Justin’s writing is remarkably devoid of such; indeed, his messages are powerful truths about how to grow in life. He has crystallized his teaching with vigor, warmth, and love. This is some book!”

The Amazing Kreskin