Friar Justin Belitz, O.F.M.
April 3, 1935 – October 13, 2023
The Franciscan Hermitage announces with sadness the passing of our
Founding Director, Friar Justin Belitz, O.F.M.
Link to Friar Justin’s obituary:
Recording of Celebration of the Life of Friar Justin. Sunday, October 13, 2024
You are an instrument of peace in your family, at work, and in school!
What is your heart’s greatest desire?
Is it your dream job, positive relationships, or perfect health?
Whatever you’re seeking, meditation and the courses at The Hermitage can help.
Introduction to Meditation:
The power to create change lies within you.
Our programs teach you how to use meditation for:
Deep relaxation (both physical and mental)
Techniques for creating deep, restful sleep
How to control headaches – even migraine headaches
How to control other kinds of pain
Ways to “see” your future and set goals
Tools for healing relationships
How to solve problems of any kind
Core Programs

See Obstacles as Opportunities
This program is designed to help you acquire successful living skills.

Life Tune-Up
The internationally acclaimed mind-development and meditation program.

Improve your Relationships
Use meditation to better enjoy all of your relationships.
I learned how important right attitudes are. The course made me want to change, and it gave me the tools to structure new goals for myself.
“Success: Full Living offers us a roadmap to inner peace and to a balance of inner and outer success.”
“In Success: Full Relating, Justin Belitz, OFM, offers seven principles he has learned and lived— often through great struggle—about making relationships richer and more fulfilling.”
“Jose Silva, the founder of the Silva Method, is a man I have admired for a long time. I have used the Silva Method of visualization for many years. It has helped me overcome illnesses, accidents and avoid surgery. I urge you to attend Silva’s training sessions.”
“The field of personal improvement and inspirational writing is riddled with pseudo-technological claptrap very similar to the field of psychiatry. Fr. Justin’s writing is remarkably devoid of such; indeed, his messages are powerful truths about how to grow in life. He has crystallized his teaching with vigor, warmth, and love. This is some book!”
What is Meditation?
Far from the popular image of a lone guru sitting crossed-legged on a mountaintop, meditation is an amazing tool that anyone can use anywhere to “increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth.”
Simply put, meditation is the practice of relaxing one’s body and mind by focusing on a sound, mantra, or your breathing. This alone promotes all kinds of health and mental benefits: it can lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, and calm a stressed-out nervous system. But coupled with creative visualization, meditation is also one of the most powerful ways to create profound change in your life. The Hermitage books, meditation courses, and guided recordings are designed to help you harness the power of this amazing duo.
Whether you’re looking to improve your health, relationships, or business – the programs at the Hermitage can help.